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Judgment526 • 11 months ago

I'll never understand parties that look down on/abuse their healer. Worst case scenario, the healer can leave you to die in the dungeon when you're critically wounded, lol

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Those who look down on their healer deserves to be call a worthless cannon fodder party lol

Vii X • 11 months ago

I did that a lot in D&D when the Fighter people or Paladins were A-holes. I mean, if I'm playing a C-G Cleric character, leaving evil to die was the right thing to do. Aku Soku Zan.
I just realized, he's Kazuma, if Kazuma was a well adjusted individual. Cause his powers suck, and all the women around him are OP. Except Dusty, Explosion, and Wiz are now Alabama, Healer and Step-Alabama.

ㅤꜱㅤᴏㅤʟㅤᴏㅤ • 6 months ago

Is D&D good? I saw the pics now, by searching... I think You Played that alot, So I wanted a Reference about it.

Vii X • 6 months ago

3.5E was pretty good. 4th sucked. 5e is okay as well. The gaming experience (I play table top.) Depends on what class you're comfortable with, your party and the DM.. I liked playing Rogue/Ninja the most. Aka the scout, trap finder, and infiltrator. As for the new console game. I... thought it wasn't all that good. Haters gonna hate that comment. I just felt it was more an IP cashout. Like they didn't put a ton of effort into a fair bit of it. Just. Blah.

yalocaldex • 9 months ago

basically everyone when playing team games. They really expect healer to deal damage. 🤦

Ohms Nuttachai • 11 months ago

Right? I don't know where's the trend of "healers are useless" came from when they are the most important member of the party.

LesK • 11 months ago

this requires an in-depth history lesson. but since i'm tight on time i'll shorten it SIGNIFCANTLY. it goes back to the ORIGINAL Character Class Restrictions placed on the Cleric Class by Gary Gygax et. al. who wrote the original Dungeons & Dragons manuals. clerics could wear NO heavy armor and could carry/utilize NO edged or piercing weapons. no swords, daggers, or arrows. UNLESS that cleric worshipped a 'war god' the Rules stated clerics wore cloth robes and carried at most a wooden staff. the war god followers could wear ALL armors (even up to full plate armor) but they could carry/use ONLY blunt damage weapons like staffs, maces, large hammers etc. no arrows either since they were piercing weapons. now, certain rule changes over the years... like elven paladins (we all know elves love bows) as well as the expansion of the 'god list' clerics could worship and the rules for the 'clergy' of each 'god' as to weapons and armor have modified that 'perspective' on the Cleric Class. but, the stereotype of 'hang in the back, cast god magic, heal, and whatnot' has persisted.

then, there's the Mage Class with their huge and showy 'kaboom magic' vs the Cleric Class which had ALMOST NO DIRECT DAMAGE SPELLS. once again that 'spell dictionary' for the Cleric Class changed over time. but the 'lack of the big boom!' stereotype got added to the 'weak wussy, can't wear armor, can't carry a sword' stereotype.

there are other problems with the Cleric Class... but i'm out of time.

LesK • 11 months ago

part 2, since i've got more time now. ONE CODICIL though. i stopped playing D&D in the late 1990's early 2000's ... probably sometime around 2002 i think. so i am ENTIRELY out of the loop when it comes to The Rules in D&D since then.

onto the history lesson on Clerics.
you know the Alignments for D&D right? or are familiar with a few of them, Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil etc? well, if your Cleric did something... say EVIL but he/she was a follower of a 'good' god... the Rules used to state that a penalty would be assigned by the Dungeon Master... reduction of spells per day, penance assigned by the god, or whatever the DM decided. then there were the dogma/rules for each 'god'. swing a sword, curse/swear, have sex... u know... the rules not unlike what the Catholic priests etc. have to follow. violate your god's rules as a Cleric, penalties will follow. THOSE two problems also added to the 'useless Cleric' stereotype.

now, Fast Forward out of the 1980's into the 1990's and MY personal heyday with Dungeons & Dragons... and basically, the death-knell for the Cleric class. MULTI-CLASS CHARACTERS! and the creation of the PALADIN CLASS. yep, holy knights based loosely on the historic Order of the Knights Templar of the Catholic Church. the Fighter Class was blended with the Cleric Class and you've got a hack n slash full plate armored knight who could pray for your soul and whatnot. why do you ever need JUST a Cleric ever again? evil Paladins, good Paladins, kinda sorta in-between Paladins... you catch my drift? the god the Paladin followed had rules for said Paladins but... the D&D rules let Paladins fight and earn XP as a 'fighting cleric' OUTSIDE of the next and FINAL nail in the coffin for the Cleric Class.

MULTI-CLASS CHARACTERS... or dual class. usually, at least in the 1990's D&D characters had UP TO two 'jobs'. i think today you can have up to 3 Classes but don't quote me on that. the Fighter/Mage, the Fighter/Cleric, the Mage/Rogue and so forth. now, humans didn't get SQUAT for dual Classing. in ye olde D&D rules, a human race character STOPPED earning experience points WHEN they started learning their new Class. say your Fighter was level 10 and 'he got a mission from god' annnd became a Fighter/Cleric. he STOPPED earning XP as a Fighter and his level FROZE at 10, but he could learn to be a better Cleric all. day. long. well the elves, dwarves, halflings and other demi-human races SPLIT their XP right in HALF between their TWO CLASSES! all. day. long. so your Elven Archer who 'got a mission from the Elven God' became a Fighter/Cleric at Fighter level 10 and was a level 1 Cleric! you see how that was a wonky system? your character would learn how to improve at BOTH jobs at the same time... but half as fast as they did when they just had one Class. why have just a pure Cleric ever again?

so, there you have it... the TRUE history of the OLDEST version of a Cleric in 'fantastical role-playing' and why the Clerics... have a crap rep today. other 'things' happened in other 'games' or whatnot about healers and suchforth. but the bad rep for Clerics STARTED with Dungeons & Dragons... and that rep has gone downhill since.

Pietje van Dongen • 11 months ago

are clerics also useless against undead? i always learned that heal/holy magic are devastating for them

LesK • 11 months ago

oh yeap! Clerics are TRULY wonderful against the undead! bless and heal in D&D DAMAGE undead. turn undead spells. protection from evil spells. detect evil spells. holy items and all that stuff. :) dispel curse. cure disease. neutralize poison. lots of other uses for a Cleric. :)

Pietje van Dongen • 11 months ago

Undead? It's time for the cleric to shine

KuroroSama42 • 11 months ago

I wouldn't say that. The "most important" is very much dependent on the situation.
If you're fighting enemies that you 1 hit kill and don't mob you, then a healer is almost useless - attackers are the most important. If you're fighting an enemy that deals high damage, the tank is the most important, to mitigate that damage as much as possible - the healer wouldn't be able to keep up if anyone else were taking the hits.
Healers are the most important when it's a long battle/chain of battles and/or when you need status recovery.
It's a team working together and everyone should be treated equally.

Meroko Yui • 11 months ago

Healers aren't a useless class but they're are a lot useless healers and the games generally compensate on healers and tanks to make them easy so people will play the classes more.. Today as example my healer wouldn't follow the tank and people defended the healer for not doing their role. They got mad at the tank instead of the healer not following. For starters the mentality to worship your healer is ridiculous. Kick them. Get a new one that works. Same if it were a tank or dps. You need a healer but you don't need a bad healer. In general most parties kiss *ss to bad healers and that ends up the real problem not in reverse. In fact if their healer isn't healing they'll still defend them even though they aren't doing their role and they'll attack the person who complains or the tank who has to deal with the healer. Poor tanks who die to ret*rded healers with a cocky personality. The biggest *ssholes are usually the healer and they got an easy class to play. Don't be fooled.

Healer to new player > You save my life worship you like a god. You are complete perfection. The tank did it. Don't pick on the healer. (sucks the healer off).

Healer realistically. I heal once every 20 seconds and everyone else is my mindless b*tch. I've one of the easiest roles and and I'll mouth off people on mechanics to feel superiority.

Healer to a vet that knows each role. Gives advice or explains the healer sucks in a decent way. Completely attacked by the group.

Tank. I can live without a healer asides large groups but for some reason the healer doesn't want to heal in the only times they need to make a small effort. I get blamed if I die to the lack of heals and have tons of mitigation on waiting desperately for a minute for a heal. Heal damnit. Heal. Heal at least once damnit.

Don't be fooled by liars trying to assume there is anything like I'm a healer poor me I'm always attacked. I'm the victim mentality.They're not and they can be the most evil laziest players in your group.

JDC • 11 months ago

Keyaru (Keyaruga) has entered the chat. He is the party. The rest of the party is just the harem.

ThickSalami • 11 months ago

Well if you like a good ongoing 3D animated Donghua. I guess there's kinda a useless healer. XD an all attack healer class. The animation is called Throne of Seal. He's not the MC but he shows up for a tournament and continues to be in the story. There's also a summoner who is incompatible with her high rank summons and its random chance for a summon. There's a Warrior class that uses a shield as a sword and there's a Mage that uses all defense magic and no attack magic, He can however play the piano and give them all the potions they need.

Sakura's Dark Hope210 • 11 months ago

an important question: why all the nuns in the anime looks so holy but their body temptingly sinful (ˉ▽ ̄~)

Monkey D. Luna • 11 months ago

it's to test us, to see if we won't stray from the path of righteousness.

Underwater • 11 months ago

Well that makes sense i guess

Ouma Yuu • 11 months ago

You consider Carla from Kono Healer, Mendokusai as Hot?... Weird.

wwlaos • 11 months ago

You don't? D:

Sakura's Dark Hope210 • 11 months ago

Ok that's an exception for me(~_~;)

Dreamblade • 11 months ago

Carla is super hot! Have you ever seen her try to wink?

A.M. Speedy™ • 11 months ago

Haven't you seen that bikini art? she's an 11/10.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 11 months ago

Exactly, piss them off and they can dangle your life right in front of you.

Nikko Sisou • 11 months ago

Or worse. Rez you while you're drowning. Then do it again and again.

Vlad • 11 months ago

You beat me to it: what Lupusregina did...
(She has enough mana to revive you over and over again for an entire hour...)

Nikko Sisou • 11 months ago

Kinda just remembered the cyanide and happiness gag with phoenix down.

MeguminExplosion • 11 months ago

That party reminded me of the first party in goblin slayer lol. Carefree asf with a healer that seems out of place in the group

Dreamblade • 11 months ago

It was literally a rip-off of goblin slayer lol.

Superb Villain Veigar • 11 months ago

Best healing I ever did was in Final Fantasy 14 MMORPG, never did find anything better :P

Another • 11 months ago

tis was Modern MMO now :D
healer becomes irrelevant ---
we don't have that Holy trinity now (tank, healer, dps) but we have Long, mid and range combat implemented most of the games now

btw, in tis anime, for me holy trinity is a must, because ya party is not that rich to have many potions or that skillful =_=
so ya must respect ya own and others strength and weaknesses

Meroko Yui • 11 months ago

I played FFXIV for 10 years. Tbh they get the most commendations on a very easy class to play. Really tanks are the easiest and a Warrior can get 16 stacks of vulnerability and live like nothing happened. On the contrary the DPS tend to have more mechanics to deal with and require DPS checks in higher content to make those clears. While most people will choose them believing they're easier and less relied upon they can actually be the most relied upon to get clears not meet enrage timers require not to fail m4chanics most and make quicker clears which everyone really wants.

In regards people worship healers especially the new players. Tbh there have been a lot of healers however that get quite the ignorant personality. Like a healer dying in dungeons that get mad when a red mage revives them. Worst part is that mentality makes the party dumb and they will attack the player that is doing their job just for that healer. Instead of kicking thew bad healer they kick the dps doing their job and make that healer authority. Which having a nasty healer isn't exactly uncommon. They tend to actually be the worst for it. Like I'm the healer worship me or off with your head personality. Players that try to seem nice but actually are truly malicious aren't uncommon either. Of course pvp is another story as well as raids. It's competitive or highly coordinated content so people will get frustrated or want a decent team so people reasonably get frustrated on failing. The mentality should be expected there of people to get upset at each other and expect a decent performance.

There's also the excuse "You don't pay my sub" which doesn't work in an MMORPG. It's all about co-ordination. So if you don't coordinate with your team and do your own thing you shouldn't be playing an MMORPG.

Anyways you'll find all types when you play them.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 11 months ago


SPACE-86 • 11 months ago

and healer will revenge on them lol this why redo of healer was needed in every party they always bully the healer dunno y theyre like the most usefull in every party

Oviej • 11 months ago

... or a hardcore s&m play (Redo of a Heal Healer)

(I was gonna do some joke about Donald (KH), but I changed my mind.)

Time. • 11 months ago

That would actually be… satisfying lol

Bromomentonumerodos • 7 months ago

I remember one specific anime where that didn't turn out too well for everyone else, what was the name again?

Judgment526 • 7 months ago

Redo Healer maybe?

Bromomentonumerodos • 7 months ago


Talo Grim • 11 months ago

I played a healer in MMORPGs and I would let people I didn't like die. In raids, I felt like it was the most challenging and technical role as well. Tank is just button mash meat shield, DPS is single button spam. Healer actually has to monitor everyone's conditions while avoiding dying. As principle, I would never self heal either.

Sweetbabyinc can suck it. • 11 months ago

Best case scenario they can perform many unspeakable acts of violence and depravation upon the people that enslaved them in such way that made their way towards the H websites.

Nick Raph • 11 months ago

it's so fun playing as healer..i can decide who's gonna die and who's gonna live...it's so fun seeing them raging when they die....the most annoying type is the undergeared noob who talk sht to healer cuz they are dying since they are too weak but think they have any right to say anything despite they are getting carried by the main tank and dps...the team literally let the noob get free loots just by joining.

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Not enough Kilmaria screen time this episode T^T lol

Paradise SLU • 11 months ago

Yes she needs more screentime.

wwlaos • 11 months ago

No more screen time until she eats her green peppers! D:<

AquAmps • 11 months ago

13:24 That random bystander with the high-pitched voice made me laugh so hard for some reason.

zookeeper02 • 11 months ago

I was looking for that comment. I had to rewatch it 10 times cause I thought I might have missed the girl.

Dreamblade • 11 months ago

Yeah I had to stop and rewind that part lol. "Who just said that?"

Pie Monger • 11 months ago

I had to stop it at that point and check the comments to see if I was the only one that noticed it... it doesn't fit at all!